



Serve and Lead Communities in Health 和健康

公共卫生是社会的组成部分. In the ever-changing context of our healthcare industry, the demand for professionals trained in public health is increasing. Positions related to public health are predicted to grow nearly 20% nationwide by 2026 – nearly double the rate for all other occupations.

While healthcare serves a critical role in diagnosing and treating injury and illness, a career in public health will allow you to focus on proactive measures to preventing injury and reducing the spread of disease. As an effective leader in public health, you will have the opportunity to inform and empower individuals, 社区, and populations to make healthy choices, 降低发病率和死亡率, 并减少医疗支出. Public health is also a prime field for contributing to those in underserved areas, 包括城市, 农村, 以及国际人口.

公共卫生硕士 with a concentration in Community Health Education 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 will provide you with a solid foundation in the fundamental areas of public health that is grounded in research and ethical principles. 专家指导, you will experience a faith-based education that emphasizes servant leadership and community health promotion.



One of our admissions counselors will contact you with more information about our program and our 500美元的奖学金 新生须知!


  • 广阔的就业机会: Focusing on the prevention of illness and injury, public health is a distinct and ever-changing field. 的 field needs new leaders with a big-picture perspective on population health.
  • 2年完成: 的 typical length of a term for each course is 7 weeks which allows you to graduate in as few as 24 months.
  • 在线授课: Live sessions are scheduled on Tuesday nights Week 1, 3, 5, and 7.
  • 实践经验: You will gain valuable experience through an integrated service component.
  • 经验丰富的基督教教育者: Our faculty examine professional practice and leadership through the lens of the Christian faith and ethical practices.


启动项 开始日期
2024年春季 2024年3月4日
2024年秋季 2024年8月(日期待定)

Deadline for 2024年春季 Applications:
优先权期限: 2024年1月19日
最后期限: 2024年2月16日


还不确定? 请求更多信息.


Public health is a multifaceted field encompassing many career paths and ventures. This flexibility allows students from a variety of undergraduate backgrounds and professional experiences to find a meaningful career in public health.

Initiatives involving public health commonly include:

  • 生物伦理学
  • 临床实践
  • 社区参与
  • 环境卫生
  • 地理信息系统
  • 全球健康
  • 健康教育
  • 健康平等
  • 卫生政策和管理
  • Infectious disease prevention and control
  • 职业健康
  • 社会和行为健康

研究生s who earn a 公共卫生硕士 are qualified for a variety of professions that allow them to apply knowledge and passion to a vocation in the service of others:

  • 流行病学家
  • 授予专家
  • Lab technician / medical technologist
  • 项目经理/协调员
  • 公共卫生牙医
  • Public health informatics specialist
  • 公共卫生护士
  • 公共卫生营养师
  • 公共卫生干事/主任
  • 公共卫生医生
  • 公共卫生社工
  • 统计学家

Our 公共卫生硕士 degree draws experts and allows for mentorship opportunities in a wide range of industries related to public health:

  • 咨询公司
  • 卫生系统
  • 医院
  • 管理式医疗机构
  • 非营利性、以社区为基础的健康
  • 公共卫生机构

欧文康考迪亚大学 is an applicant for accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health. 的 accreditation review will address the 公共卫生硕士(MPH) program. Other degrees and areas of study offered by this institution will not be included in the unit of accreditation review.

Two females having a conversation in a hospital


As part of the requirements for the program, you will have the opportunity to complete a community-based practicum and 20 hours of volunteer work in a health service organization of your choosing.



的 公共卫生硕士 is designed for working professionals and can be completed in as little as 2 years. Live sessions are scheduled on Tuesday nights Week 1, 3, 5, and 7. 的 program is paced to be completed one course at a time, with the exception of the final semester, during which the internship is completed concurrently.

一年两次, the 医疗保健项目 host Professional Development Workshops that will allow you to interact in person or via livestream with your peers, 校友, 和老师. 的 workshops focus on professional development through offerings such as presentations by guest speakers from the industry, 执行教练, 简历写作研讨会, 求职培训, 一位专业摄影师. Workshops are held either in person or via live-stream. MPH students are not required to attend the keynote presentation.


视角 & Insights from Concordia Healthcare 教师



To be considered for admission to the master’s program, a student must:

  1. Provide one official transcript that shows a confirmed bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
  2. 提交一份意向声明.
  3. Provide a minimum of one professional reference.
  4. 提交一份目前的专业简历.

查看完整的详细信息 招生要求.

国际 students, please note: the MPH program is a fully online program. 欧文康考迪亚大学 does not issue the Form I-20 for this fully online program. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护).


完成申请后, please email all other required documents to the admissions office at (电子邮件保护).
